
I’m a Chicago software engineer who loves to move fast and fix things… Usually.

Where to find me:


Old School Engineering for Modern Software Development

Hello and What? My software engineering career began in industrial manufacturing with a paid internship at O’Sullivan Films Inc, a company specializing in plastic and vinyl sheeting for products like pool liners and car dashboards that, like so many American businesses was bought by and international conglomerate and folded into its parent’s generic embrace. The experience I gained while working at O’Sullivan, along with my years working in ‘agile’ tech startups over the years has me thinking about the differences between how manufacturing and pure software businesses approach product design, development. Read more...

Unwrapping the Future of AI: Key Takeaways from OpenAI's Inaugural Developer Day

In a testament to the progressive march of technology, OpenAI has emerged as a herald of the AI renaissance. Recently, the distinguished AI think-tank cast a spotlight on future digital directions at its inaugural Developer Day event. This blog endeavors to capture the pivotal moments and revelations that could very well chart the course for AI’s role in our everyday lives. Custom GPTs Made Easy A remarkable stride in AI accessibility was announced, shattering the barriers to entry for custom GPT utilization. Read more...

Monorepos: The Secret Weapon Against Tech Debt

Monorepos: The Secret Weapon Against Tech Debt Hold on to your (code)bases, because we’re about to dive into the thrilling world of monorepos and their unexpectedly effective role in managing tech debt! Choose Your Fighter Monorepo: The One Repo to Rule Them All Monorepos are like a software development Swiss Army knife. In a monorepo setup, you’ve got one repository that manages all code and services with shared build tooling and common dependencies. Read more...

AI written cover letters fun and profit.

In today’s newly competitive tech jobs market, it’s more important than ever to have a well-written cover letter when applying for a job. It’s your opportunity to make a great first impression and set yourself apart from other candidates. But writing a unique and compelling cover letter for each job you apply to can be time-consuming and daunting. That’s where GPT-3 comes in. GPT-3, or Generative Pretrained Transformer 3, is a state-of-the-art language model developed by OpenAI. Read more...

Running Rust on Arm with docker

I have a small home lab kubernetes cluster running k3s from rancher labs. As part of that deployment, the traefik ingress controller is included. This post is first in a series where I muddle through exploring the traefik ingress using a rust webserver. Covered in this post. Rust workloads on k8s with ARM and Docker. What will be running? Since my home lab cluster runs on 4 raspberry pi’s, some work will be needed to get a properly formatted image. Read more...

Run home assistant in k3s - IOT for everyone

As a new home owner and nerd, I’ve been leaning into the “smart home” trend. Naturally, this makes for a great excuse to tinker with the latest IOT technology and to experiment with distributed computing. What better test bed for working with the ‘Service Mesh’ than coordinating micro-computer devices and sensors? To that end, I’ve chosen to use Rancher’s IOT focused kubernetes distribution k3s. I plan to write more about my setup in the future but, for now I’d just like to share my configuration for running the HomeAssistant platform on kubernetes cluster with a zwave gateway. Read more...